The Secret Agent Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

He felt the train roll quicker, rumbling heavily to the sound of the woman's loud sobs, and then crossing the carriage in two long strides he opened the door deliberately, and leaped out. (12.197)

Comrade Ossipon commits the last terrible act of deception in this novel. He pretends that he'll help Winnie escape from England after killing her husband, but at the last second, pulls a total James Bond and jumps off a train with all her money. In doing this, he basically signs Winnie's death warrant. This act of deception is the one final kick in the gut that Conrad gives you as a reader. Despite how awful the world of this book has been so far, this sudden betrayal can still come as a total shock. But Conrad can't resist; he needs to tell you one last time that people are huge jerks.