The Shining Cast

The Shining Cast

Meet the Cast

Jack (Jack Nicholson)

All Work And No Play Makes Jack…A Sort Of Charming GuyJack Torrance might come across as a charming dude—at first. After all, he's played by Jack Nicholson, who made a career out of being the m...

Wendy (Shelley Duvall)

Excuse MakerWendy Torrance: the terrified face that launched a thousand memes, dorm room posters and nightmares. With her lank dark hair and her weird 1970's turtleneck, Wendy is the icon of terrif...

Danny (Danny Lloyd)

Sweetie PieOn the surface, Danny is your typical cute bowl-cut haired little boy. As his mother Wendy tells us though, Danny has had trouble socializing ever since he missed some of his early time...

Hallorann (Scatman Crothers)

Tricky DickActually, "tricky" doesn't really encapsulate Dick's personality, but "Clairvoyant Dick" or "Shining Dick" or even "Hero Dick" doesn't really have the same ring to it.Dick Halloran is a...

Lloyd (Joe Turkel)

As far as we know, Lloyd is some king of ghost haunting the ballroom of the Overlook Hotel. But Jack Torrance talks to the guy as if they've known each other for quite a while. The moment Jack want...

Delbert Grady (Philip Stone)

We first hear about Delbert Grady as the crazed former caretaker who butchered his family and killed himself while looking after the Overlook Hotel. He just seems like a (super) creepy dude from th...

Ullman (Barry Nelson)

Stuart Ullman is kind of a means to an end: this guy's main job in this movie is to deliver important information that Jack Torrance (and we as an audience) will need to know to set up the premise...