The Shining Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Shining.

Quote #1

ULLMAN: He ran amok and eh... killed his family with an axe.

Ullman doesn't like bringing it up, but he feels like it's his duty to tell Jack Torrance that one of the hotel's former caretakers lost his mind and killed his whole family. Jack doesn't seem too concerned, but we all know that he definitely should be.

Quote #2

ULLMAN: Good. Glad you made it before they shut down the kitchen. Is your family having a look around?
JACK: No, my son's discovered the games room.

At this point in the movie, Jack still seems pretty happy go lucky about his new job and his family. However, we can already tell something's wrong by the way Jack always acts more nicely to strangers than he does to his wife and son.

Quote #3

ULLMAN: Yes, very cozy for a family, and if you feel like spreading out you have the rest of the hotel to move around in.

Ullman is conscious of the fact that Jack will bring his family with him to live in the Overlook Hotel. He's especially concerned about how the family will live through the harsh winter months in total isolation. After all, experience has shown him what can happen to a family in these conditions, and it ain't pretty.