The Story of My Experiments with Truth Foreignness and "the Other" Quotes

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Quote #10

Then there was the Gujarati function. [...] As far as I remember most of the other speeches were also in English. When my turn came, I expressed my thanks in Gujarati explaining my partiality for Gujarati and Hindustani, and entering my humble protest against the use of English in a Gujarati gathering. This I did, not without some hesitation, for I was afraid lest it should be considered discourteous for an inexperienced man, returned home after a long exile, to enter his protest against established practices. But no one seemed to misunderstand my insistence on replying in Gujarati. In fact I was glad to note that everyone seemed reconciled to my protest. (5.1.7)

When subjects of a colonial power allow themselves to replace their own language with the foreign one, they lose who they are.