The Story of My Experiments with Truth Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

There were, however, others who were unhappy over the decision. They felt that, if I expected peace everywhere and regarded it as a condition precedent to launching Satyagraha, mass Satyagraha would be an impossibility. I was sorry to disagree with them. If those amongst whom I worked, and whom I expected to be prepared for non-violence and self-suffering, could not be non-violent, Satyagraha was certainly impossible. I was firmly of opinion that those who wanted to lead the people to Satyagraha ought to be able to keep the people within the limited non-violence expected of them. I hold the same opinion even today. (5.32.19)

Under no condition would Gandhi accept a struggle for justice that was violent. When the opportunity arose here for mass action, he shuts it down because some were engaging in violence.