The Story of My Experiments with Truth Philosophical Viewpoints: Non-violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Identification with everything that lives is impossible without self-purification; without self-purification the observance of the law of Ahimsa must remain an empty dream; God can never be realized by one who is not pure of heart. Self-purification therefore must mean purification in all walks of life. And purification being highly infectious, purification of oneself necessarily leads to purification of one's surroundings. (Farewell.6)

According to Gandhi, self-purification goes hand in hand with non-violence. It's not as if his fasting and dietary choices and refraining from smoking and so on are something separate from his non-violence. He says these techniques of purification are necessary to identify yourself with other life forms and to always wish them well. Do you agree?