The Sun Also Rises Exile Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Hurray for Wine! Hurray for the Foreigners!" was painted on the banner.

"Who are the foreigners?" Robert Cohn asked.

"We’re the foreigners," Bill said. (15.6)

Cohn, with characteristic confusion, doesn’t get that they are the outsiders in Spain—his self-centered vacation mentality is that Spain is there for their use.

Quote #5

"They’re a fine lot," I said. "There’s one American woman down here now that collects bull-fighters." (16.8)

Again, Jake separates himself from the other Americans—he’s not limited to their view of the world. If anything, he’s disgusted by it.

Quote #6

Big motor-cars from Biarritz and San Sebastian kept driving up and parking around the square. They brought people for the bull-fight. Sight-seeing cars came up, too. There was one with twenty-five Englishwomen in it. They sat in the big, white car and looked through their glasses at the fiesta. (18.1)

Jake feels alienated from the tourists who come to watch the bull-fights from a distance; this difference makes it impossible for him to identify with them.