The Sun Also Rises Robert Cohn Quotes

"Hurray for Wine! Hurray for the Foreigners!" was painted on the banner.

"Who are the foreigners?" Robert Cohn asked.

"We’re the foreigners," Bill said. (15.6)

Cohn, with characteristic confusion, doesn’t get that they are the outsiders in Spain—his self-centered vacation mentality is that Spain is there for their use.

Mike Campbell

Quote 8

"What times we had. How I wish those dear days were back."

"Don’t be an ass."

"Were you in the war, Mike?" Cohn asked.

"Was I not."

"He was a very distinguished soldier," Brett said. "Tell them about the time your horse bolted down Piccadilly." (13.28)

Mike’s questionably sarcastic wish that the war was back is telling. Can it be that the war gave him a sense of purpose that he’s now lacking?