The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 105: Daniel Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Daniel tells Natasha his interview is in this building, so even if they hadn't met earlier, maybe they would have met now. It's fate. 
  • She laughs and smiles. Maybe she's starting to believe in fate too. 
  • Daniel's trying to get to the roof of the building, but the door's locked. He says, "Open sesame," and it magically opens...because a security guard on the other side pulled it open, but still (264). 
  • The security guard tells them they can't be up there, and then he starts coughing. 
  • Natasha tells him he shouldn't smoke—she used to be a candy striper in a pulmonary ward and has seen what it can do to people. 
  • She orders the guard to give him the cigarettes, and he does so with a smile, telling Daniel to be careful with "this one" and telling Natasha, "Life doesn't always go according to plan" (265). 
  • She definitely knows that by now.