The Unvanquished Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Three of you can jump on me and knock me down again, but you got to pick me up first to do hit. I aint got no rights and justice here, but you cant keep me from protesting hit." (5.2.48)

In contrast to the great, courageous examples of Granny and Uncle Buck, Ab Snopes is a yellow-belly who refuses to admit his mistakes or even fight back when Bayard tries to make him pay for what he did to Granny. His attempt at legalese, trying to make it look like he's being attacked unfairly, just makes him look like more of a coward.

Quote #8

Last woning not thret. Turn back. The barer of this my promise and garntee. I have stood all I am to stand children no children. G. (5.3.2)

We gotta admit, we'd be afraid to keep going after Grumby after getting a message like this. Especially when you consider that it's pinned to a dead body hanging from a tree. But the boys must summon all their courage to continue, even in the face of such danger.

Quote #9

"Got to leave it because you lost your nerve and killed an old woman and then lost your nerve again and refused to cover the first mistake." (5.3.12)

What a weird way to talk about nerves. You'd think that losing your nerve would mean being afraid to do something and losing the bravery you need to do so. So that means that Grumby's men are calling him a coward for killing Granny, because he lost his nerve when he did it.