
Want to mess with your co-workers or fellow students? Name super-villains and criminals after them and put them into an award-winning screenplay. It worked for Christopher McQuarrie, who took the name Keyser Söze from a lawyer at a law firm where he was working. The supervisor's name was slightly different though: Keyser Sume…Sume must feel honored. (Source)

If you worked for the real-life company Quartet based in Skokie, Illinois, you must've been intrigued by Verbal's claim that he sang in a barbershop quartet in Skokie… McQuarrie got the idea for the big twist in the movie in the same way that his character, David Kujan, discovers that twist—by looking at a bulletin board made by Quartet. (Source)

Benicio del Toro intentionally used an incomprehensible accent for his role. Bryan Singer scratched his head and said (in essence), "Well, this character's only function is to die, so…all right." (Source)

The name "Söze" actually comes from a Turkish expression "söze bagmak" which means "talks too much." So, if you were watching the movie in Turkey, or happened to speak Turkish and English, it would be no surprise when Verbal, the guy who "talks too much" turns out to be Söze. (Source)

The Usual Suspects launches a full-on profanity assault: there are 98 f-bombs in this movie... (Source)

Bryan Singer must have been muttering to himself, "Dance puppets, dance…" as he directed this movie. According to Kevin Spacey, Singer messed with the different actors, convincing each of them that they were Keyser Söze, before finally revealing the truth. When Gabriel Byrne realized that his character, Keaton, wasn't Söze, he was apparently miffed. (Source)

Benicio Del Toro must have hit the musical fruit pretty hard before doing the lineup scene. When they were filming, Del Toro kept farting. Though perhaps accidental, this turned out to be a good creative move, as it set a funny vibe. Instead of playing the scene seriously, as written, the actors ended up doing it in a funny way, with the five criminals bonding with each other. (Source)