The White Darkness Sex and Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"How many boys have you snogged?" There is no right answer. You say "none" and you're sad and frigid…. You refuse to answer and you are sadder still […]. (1.13)

From early in the book, we understand that Sym feels out of step with her peers when it comes to developing an interest in boys. Her lack of interest is a source of isolation for her.

Quote #2

Why is it that all the words to do with sex are ugly? Words to do with love aren't. No wonder Titus thought women were a nuisance. (1.14)

Is "snog" an ugly word? Or is it that Sym finds sex to be ugly for some reason? It isn't clear, so we'll let you mull that one over for yourself.

Quote #3

I could feel my cheeks burning, my guts churning. What's wrong with me? Is there something wrong with me? (1.76)

Sym worries that her lack of interest in boys is a deficiency or a problem, and she longs to be just like everyone else. Growing up definitely isn't easy, and being yourself can be so hard.