The White Darkness Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I watched so intently—concentrated so hard—that there was no sofa, and no screen…no whine from the fridge or thump from the central heating. And it became real. So real. So real. So real. So real. So real. (2.5)

When Sym's father is dying, she fully immerses herself in the world of a TV show and one of the characters—Titus—becomes real to her. Or something like real, anyway.

Quote #2

I like to do my dreaming when I'm awake; but I didn't say so, because that would sound loopy. (4.52)

Sym is a champion daydreamer, perhaps to a fault. Sometimes she's more interested in what's going on inside her own head than the world around her. She senses not everyone would understand this, though, so she keeps it to herself.

Quote #3

Titus never says anything that I don't, in my heart of hearts, already know. (9.70)

The thing is, Titus does say some things that Sym doesn't know. So what does that mean? Could he be real? Could Sym just forget some of what she knows? What is going on here?