Vittoria Corombona Timeline and Summary


Vittoria Corombona Timeline and Summary

  • Vittoria lets herself be seduced by the Duke of Brachiano, and asks him for "protection" from her husband, Camillo, and the Duke's wife, Isabella. The Duke agrees (planning on murdering them).
  • After Brachiano has Camillo and Isabella killed, Vittoria stands trial. Lacking hard evidence of her involvement, and despite her spirited self-defense against Cardinal Monticelso's accusations, Monticelso nonetheless sentences her to a "house of convertites" or "house of penitent whores."
  • Francisco writes a fake love-letter to the imprisoned Vittoria—it falls into the Duke's hands, and makes him momentarily jealous. But he gets over it, and he and Vittoria escape to Padua.
  • After Francisco, Lodovico, and Gasparo kill Brachiano, Vittoria fears for her life—especially when Flamineo acts like he's going to kill her.
  • As it turns out, Flamineo's not the real threat—Lodovico and Gasparo stab Vittoria to death, along with her brother and Zanche, the maid.