The Wings of the Dove Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Book.Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

Slender and simple, frequently soundless, she was somehow always in the line of the eye—she counted singularly for its pleasure. (

Kate Croy is an attractive woman. The book is clear about that on many occasions. But another aspect of her appearance is the way she strategically is always able to get into your line of sight. The fact that Kate takes a special pleasure in this suggests that she very much enjoys to be looked at. She knows she's a hottie.

Quote #2

He judged meanwhile her own appearance, as she knew she could always trust him to do; recognizing, estimating, sometimes disapproving, what she wore, showing her the interest he continued to take in her. (

Kate usually likes to be looked at, but not when it's by her father. The man is constantly judging her. At least this makes Kate feel like the old man still has some sort of interest in her, though. Her sister Marian, on the other hand, gets no attention at all from their father.

Quote #3

It gave him pleasure that she was handsome, that she was, in her way, a sensible value. (

Kate's father takes pleasure in the fact that she's pretty. In his terms, this makes her a "sensible value," or someone that might be able to marry a rich man. Of course Lionel Croy doesn't care about the benefit Kate might get from marrying into wealth—he's just interested in how much money she can send home to her dear old Dad.