The Zoo Story

The Zoo Story


by Edward Albee

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching The Zoo StoryTeacher Pass

Teaching The Zoo StoryTeacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
  • Current Events & Pop Culture articles
  • Discussion & Essay Questions
  • Challenges & Opportunities
  • Related Readings in Literature & History

Sample of Reading Quizzes



1. Where's Peter sitting?
2. Where has Jerry been recently?
3. Who are the other members of Peter's family?
4. What pets does Peter have?
5. What's Peter's salary?
6. Where does Peter think that Jerry lives?
7. How did Jerry's father die?
8. Who did Jerry live with after his parents died?
9. When did Jerry's aunt die?
10. Who was Jerry in love with when he was 15?
11. How does Jerry stop his landlady's advances?
12. What does the dog do when it sees Jerry?
13. How does Jerry try to make peace with the dog?
14. What does Jerry use to poison the dog's meat?
15. What did Jerry want to learn about at the zoo?
16. What does Jerry pull out when he prepares to fight Peter?
17. What does Jerry do to himself with the knife?
18. What does Jerry say he was grateful for?
19. Why does Jerry tell Peter to go away?
20. How does the play end?


1. On a bench in Central Park
2. The zoo
3. His wife and two daughters
4. Parakeets and cats
5. $18,000
6. The Village
7. He was killed in a car accident.
8. His aunt
9. The day he graduated from high school
10. An older boy
11. He tells her they had sex the day before.
12. The dog attacks him.
13. He gives meat to the dog every time it comes in.
14. Rat poison
15. The relationships between animals and people
16. A knife
17. He throws himself on the knife.
18. Talking to Peter
19. If Peter stays someone will find him.
20. Jerry dies.