The Zoo Story Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Zoo Story? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The bench symbolizes

Jerry's penis.
all of Peter's property and comfort.
the happiness of Jerry's life.
the greatness of New York.
Q. Jerry tries to reach an understanding through the dog with violence. He does the same thing with

his aunt.
Sigmund Freud's pipe.
the parakeets he poisons.
Q. Which is used as a phallic symbol in the play?

The bench.
The cockroach.
The zoo.
The knife.
Q. The zoo as a symbol suggests that

everyone likes to spend time in the park.
humans are all animals trapped in cages.
humans are all parakeets making the dinner.
everyone wants freedom.
Q. The Zoo Story isn't really about a zoo. This tells you that

Albee gave his play the wrong title.
the play is allegorical and symbolic.
zoos do not really exist.
Jerry never really visited the zoo.