There Is No Dog Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

Had he ever been happy? Would he ever be happy again? (34.34)

And here are a few more questions: What does it mean to be happy? What do you think would make Mr. B happy? Besides some new wellies and a very sensible briefcase?

Quote #8

"Did somebody say 'help'?" Mr. B looks up from his work. "Yes, help. Please help me," gabbles Bob, a miserable wretchlike version of his former self. "Everything's gone wrong." (40.32)

Bob is an ideas man, but he's not so good at the follow-through. When things need to be done, Mr. B comes through. So now we're wondering: does anyone have both Bob's fantastic ideas and Mr. B's attention to detail? (And if so, will you send us your résumé?)

Quote #9

"Perhaps the way to proceed is to think of life on earth as a colossal joke, a creation of such immense stupidity that the only way to live is to laugh until you think your heart will break." He [Mr. B] looks upward to the branches, rich with summer green, stares through them to the sky beyond. (45.43)

Oh, Mr. B. If only you were mortal, because we would totally be your platonic life partner. Seriously, though, isn't he right? When things go wrong—you're late to work, it's raining, and your car battery dies; you ordered a pizza with extra cheese and they delivered a pizza with extra sauce; you have 10,000 spoons, and all you need is a knife—there's nothing to do but laugh.