Thor Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Thor.

Quote #1

THOR: As king of Asgard...!

ODIN: But you're not king! Not yet.

This is perhaps the greatest sign that Thor's getting a little too big for his britches. He goes on and on about how awesome his dad was for kicking frost giant butt, and figures this time it's going to be hit turn. But as Odin warns him, that power isn't his yet… and frankly Thor may be getting a little green-eyed staring at it for so long.

Quote #2

LOKI: You could have told me what I was from the beginning! Why didn't you?

ODIN: You're my son... I wanted only to protect you from the truth...

LOKI: What, because I... I... I am the monster parents tell their children about at night?

Loki isn't listening to what Odin's telling him. Instead, he's filling in his own details, something that strengthens his jealousy and plays into thinking of himself as a victim.

Quote #3

ODIN: You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!

THOR: And you are an old man and a fool!

Whoa. Looks like Loki's not the only one with a little case of the green-eyed meanies. Thor's kind of eyeing that throne of his dad's a little too much for comfort…