Fate vs. Free Will Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Clare to Henry:] "I thought free will had to do with sin." (1.4.241)

Because Clare has been raised Catholic, the idea of acting out of your own will, and not the will of God, appears to be a sin to her.

Quote #8

[Henry to Clare:] "[…] if you are feeling boxed in by the idea that your future is unalterable, imagine how I feel. I'm constantly running up against the fact that I can't change anything even though I am right there, watching it." (1.4.246)

Henry explains to Clare that while she feels like she has no choice in what her future will bring, Henry has seen and experienced his future, which makes it that much harder for him to act as if he has complete free will.

Quote #9

[Clare to Gomez:] "I love him. He's my life. […] With Henry I can see everything laid out, like a map, past and future, everything at once, like an angel. […] we're part of each other." (1.8.201)

Clare explains to Gomez that since she has grown up with Henry, he's become her life – all of it – past, present, and future. In some way, they have lived all of it already.