To an Athlete Dying Young Resources


P.F. on A.E.

For more fun Housman facts, check out his complete bio from the folks at the Poetry Foundation.

More Housman

Here's a very clickable bio that breaks up Housman's life into easily digestible chunks. Gross.

Society Type

When do you know you've made it as a poet? When you have your own "society." Here's a link to the Housman Society, the home for all things A.E.-related.


Lights! Camera! Poetry!

Here's a video project that uses "To an Athlete Dying Young" to remember runner Steve Prefontaine, who, like the athlete in Housman's poem, died… young.

Take Two

Check out a dramatic reading of "To and Athlete Dying Young."


Take a Break

Here's your chance to put your feet up and listen to someone else read the poem—and read it well.

Bring in the Band

Composers Vaughan Williams and Butterworth (sorry, no relation to the maple syrup lady) set one of Housman's poems, "Is My Team Ploughing," to music. We thinks it's tough to dance to, but see what you think.


Young Housman

Dig the 'stache, gang.

Old Housman… and Chalk and Charcoal

Check out these photos and drawings of Housman from the National Portrait Gallery.

Articles and Interviews

The New Yorker tackles Housman

Well, not so much tackles like in football, it just discusses, really.

Life (Sadly) Imitates Art

When a star high school athlete is senselessly murdered, a sports writer turns to Housman.


A Shropshire Lad

Here's the book in which "To an Athlete Dying Young" first appeared.

Last Poems

This is Housman's second (and last) collection of poems published during his lifetime.