To Kill a Mockingbird Character Quotes


To Kill a Mockingbird Character Quotes

Jean Louise Finch (Scout) Quotes

TKAM: Quotes Scout's HonorScout may or may not be a lover, but she's definitely a fighter. At the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, fighting is her solution to everything: she goes after Walt...

Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem) Quotes

ObsessedDill may be the brains behind the Finch kids' early attempts to draw out Boo Radley, but Jem is the one who takes action. He's the one who overcomes his fear to run up and touch the Radleys...

Atticus Finch Quotes

You know all those stereotypes about lawyers being nasty, money-grubbing people? Well, meet Atticus, giving lawyers (and dads) a good name since 1960. If you read this and thought that he was too...

Calpurnia Quotes

Tough LoveSure, everyone in the novel is filtered through Scout's perception. She's the narrator, after all. But we get the sense that Calpurnia in particular is colored by Scout's perspective—an...

Charles Baker Harris (Dill) Quotes

For Scout and Jem, summer means Dill, and Dill's imagination: "Thus we came to know Dill as a pocket Merlin, whose head teemed with eccentric plans, strange longings, and quaint fancies" (1.39). Th...

Mayella Ewell Quotes

Among the trash and cast-offs in the Ewell yard, there's one spot of beauty."Against the fence, in a line, were six chipped-enamel slop jars holding brilliant red geraniums, cared for as tenderly a...

Robert E. Lee Ewell Quotes

Bob Ewell is the current head of a family that has been "the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations" (3.93). (Sounds like quite an honor.) Considered human trash by the Maycomb community, the Ew...

Alexandra Hancock Quotes

Aunt Alexandra is so different from her easy-going brothers Atticus and Jack that Scout wonders if she was switched at birth with another family's baby. She's kind of woman who wears a corset even...

Maudie Atkinson Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Miss Maudie is part of the world where "fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently, and drank cool water" (24.53), but this rose never lets others f...

Heck Tate Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.)As sheriff of Maycomb County, Heck Tate's official role is maintaining law and order. Through most of the book, however, he seems about as powerful as...

Grace Merriweather Quotes

A heavily religious woman, Mrs. Grace Merriweather is "the most devout lady in Maycomb" (24.25). We know she's devout, because she's intent on saving (as in, converting) the Mrunas, an imaginary Af...

Judge John Taylor Quotes

Scout calls Judge Taylor "a sleepy old shark" (16.105), and it fits: he may seem out of it most of the time, but disrupt his court in any way and he's on it like a shark on fishmeat.While he seems...

Horace Gilmer Quotes

Mr. Gilmer is the prosecutor who faces off against Atticus in court. Scout thinks their rivalry is strictly a legal one, but Dill notices something else: while Atticus treats all the witnesses, eve...

Lula Quotes

Lula appears only once in the novel, but she makes it count. When Calpurnia takes Jem and Scout to the African-American First Purchase Church, Lula is the one person who doesn't roll out the welcom...