Toads Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do you think Larkin chose to write this poem in quatrains? Does the poem's form reflect any of the poem's themes or ideas? How?
  2. Larkin chose to use a toad to represent work. Did he make a good choice? Why or why not? If you think he made a bad choice, step up: what animal would have been better and why?
  3. Why do you think Larkin used slant rhyme in "Toads?" If he had used strong, full rhymes throughout the poem, would anything have been lost or gained in terms of how the reader responds to the poem?
  4. How do you picture this speaker? Is he young or old? Would you hang out with him or would you turn and walk the other way if he tried to corner you at a party? What in the poem creates the impression that you have of this speaker? 
  5. Have you ever felt trapped or soul-squashed by something like the way the speaker feels about that toad work? If you have, what animal would it be? Why?