Tom Jones True or False

1. Regarding sex outside of marriage, who says: "can any carnal appetite so overpower your reason, or so totally lay it asleep, as to prevent your flying with affright and terror from a crime which carries such punishment always with it"? -> Squire Allworthy
2. Which character shouts: "If you was to be made an honest woman, I should not be angry; but you must have to doing with a gentleman, you nasty slut; you will have a bastard, hussy, you will"? -> Goody Seagrim, to Molly
3. Which character complains that men are "always whipt in by the humours of some d—n'd b— or other"? -> Mr. Thwackum
4. Who tells Tom, "Me vil tell you […] how the difference is between you and us. My people rob your people, and your people rob one anoder"? -> the Man of the Hill
5. Who describes the countryside as "the bane of all young women," where "they learn a set of romantic notions of love […] which this town and good company can scarce eradicate in a whole winter"? -> Mrs. Wilkins
