Tortilla Flat Chapter 2: How Pilon was lured by greed of position to forsake Danny's hospitality. Summary

  • Danny and Pilon go to check out the houses. Danny freaks out about having these houses. He wishes that Pilon were the owner, and he were the one going to live with him.
  • Danny goes into town to get the water turned on, but the company asks for a three-dollar deposit, and the friends decide that they would rather spend that money on wine than water.
  • Pilon figures out how to steal eggs from Mrs. Morales, their neighbor, and Danny puts him to work searching for food for dinner.
  • Pilon gets irritated with Danny: he feels like Danny's slave. He goes off and kills one of Mrs. Morales's chickens, and the two eat it and feel happy in their house.
  • Pilon asks if he can rent Danny's other house so that he won't feel enslaved. They both know that Danny will never see a penny of the fifteen dollars of rent they agree on, but it doesn't seem to bother anybody.
  • Danny and Pilon get into an argument, but they fall asleep happy.