Tortilla Flat Chapter 6: How three sinful men, through contrition, attained peace. How Danny's Friends swore comradeship. Summary

  • Danny is relieved about the house burning down because he feels like it was a burden. Now he and his friends can just be friends again without money coming between them.
  • However, Danny knows he has to punish his friends a little bit so they won't think he's a wimp. Pilon, Pablo, and Jesus Maria decide to go apologize. On their way, they notice some people having a picnic, so Pilon goes off and makes a bunch of crazy noises. The picnickers follow the noises, and Pablo and Jesus Maria grab all their deviled eggs. They also pick up a bunch of fruit, olives, sandwiches, soda, and potato salad, and even a newspaper.
  • The friends go to Danny's house, and he insults them a little bit. Then they offer the food to him along with the bra, and he forgets that he's angry.
  • Danny decides that he won't give the bra to Mrs. Morales, because she isn't as interested in him now that he only has one house.
  • Danny says that his friends can come live with him, but he's reserving his bed for himself only.
  • Everyone is happy, and Jesus Maria promises to always keep enough food in the house for Danny as a thank you.
  • They hope that Danny will forget the promise, though, because keeping food in the house is going to be harder than paying rent.