Troilus and Cressida Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

I am yours, You valiant offspring of great Priamus. (2.2.207-208)

Up until now, Hector has been arguing pretty fiercely with his brothers that they should send Helen back to Greece ASAP. But here, he gives in and agrees to keep fighting, despite the million and one reasons he listed for ending the terrible war. Hector may be the most respected of all the Trojans, but that isn't really saying much. Shakespeare shows us over and over that Hector is a hypocrite no better than anyone else (which means, he's pretty bad).

Quote #8

What, blushing still? have you not done talking yet? (3.2.100-101)

Despite Troilus' chivalric declarations of his "love" for Cressida, Pandarus always reduces the relationship to the mere sex. Instead of letting the lovers talk to each other, he rushes them off to the bedroom. You'd almost think he was the one about to enjoy Cressida's honey.

Quote #9

Hold thy whore, Grecian!—now for thy whore, Trojan!—now the sleeve, now the sleeve! (5.4.24-25)

When Troilus and Diomedes engage in man-to-man combat, Thersites doesn't see anything noble or chivalric about it. He insists that both men are simply fighting over a "whore" as he eggs them on. And guess what? We think Shakespeare probably agrees with him.