Troilus and Cressida Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle,
That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time:
Most reverend Nestor, I am glad to clasp thee.

I would my arms could match thee in contention,
As they contend with thee in courtesy.
I have seen the time. (4.5.202-210)

Because old Nestor has "seen the time," (he's super old), he's portrayed as a storehouse of history (a.k.a. a "chronicle"). As such, he's a figure to be admired, respected, and cherished—but that doesn't mean they're not going to make fun of the way he strokes his beard.

Quote #11

[...] the end crowns all, And that old common arbitrator, Time, Will one day end it. (4.5.224-226)

Here, Hector drops in a famous Latin proverb: finis coronat opus, which means "the end crowns the work," but with a little twist. He says that the "end" is brought about by Time (not the gods, fate, or some other outside force)—as if they're moving toward an inevitable fate that cannot be avoided. Hm, almost makes you wonder why you bother getting up in the morning.