Justice and Judgment Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He said, "You are a fine one to talk about looks. You look like somebody worked you over with the ugly stick." (6.150)

Some insults are just as good in 1875 as they are in the 21st century. Mattie gets what she deserves here, since she just made it clear to young Quincy that she thinks he's ugly too. Now that's justice.

Quote #5

"Ned was Quincy's friend, not mine. I would not blow on a friend. I was afraid there would be shooting and I would not have a chance bound up like I was. I am bold in a fight." (6.174)

Honor among thieves? Poor Moon is only about Mattie's age and totally in anguish over his physical pain and having to give up information about his associates. He's got a finely developed sense of justice, after all—so it's too bad he fell in with Ned Pepper's gang.

Quote #6

LaBoeuf said, "There is something in what she says, Cogburn. I think she has done fine myself. She has won her spurs, so to speak. That is just my personal opinion." (6.500)

Talk about justice: after teasing and needling her the whole time, LaBoeuf finally admits that Mattie has grit. That's the kind of judgment we like to see.