Mortality Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It feels like I still have fingers there but I don't." […] He talked a little more in a rambling manner and to no sensible purpose. He did not respond to questions. He is what was in his eyes: confusion. Soon it was all up with him and he joined his friend in death. He looked about thirty pounds lighter. (6.183)

Here, Mattie is describing the death of Moon, a young man about her age who was mixed up with Lucky Ned Pepper's gang. It's hard to pin down how she feels about this: on the one hand, he's one of the violent gang. On the other hand, he's just a fourteen-year-old boy, and he's dead. She's got to feel a little sad.

Quote #5

We learned that the boy was called Billy. His father ran a steam sawmill on the South Canadian River, the captain told us, and there was a large family at home. Billy was one of the eldest children and he helped his father cut timber. The boy was not known to have caused any devilment before this. (6.425)

Ugh. These guys really need an afterschool program or a Boys and Girls Club. Maybe then they'd be playing basketball or Xbox with their friends rather than hanging out with Ned Pepper and getting shot.

Quote #6

"Your life depends on their actions. I have never busted a cap on a woman or anybody much under sixteen years but I will do what I have to do." (7.59)

Ah, the Wild West, where turning sixteen means you're finally old enough to get your driver's license and get shot. Sweet.