The Truth About Forever Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This reaching out to my mom was another thing I'd been working up to, never quite getting the nerve, but she made it look simple. (6.113)

The problem is that Deborah reacts differently when Caroline reaches out than she does when Macy reaches out. Why do you think that is? hey don't have a better relationship, do they? They fought for years, after all. Could it be because they're more honest with each other?

Quote #5

"When my dad died, it was like everything felt really shaky, you know?" (10.103)

Things got rough when Macy's dad died, so she and her mom banded together to make a solid ground to stand on. But now it's taking over—it's too solid. What would the alternative be, though? An earthquake?

Quote #6

Of course she'd think I could tell her anything: she was my mother. In truth, though, I couldn't. (11.206)

Mother-daughter relationships are tough. On the one hand, if you have a good relationship, you're probably closer to your mom than anyone else in the world. On the other hand, there are certain things you feel like she just might not understand.