The Truth About Forever Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It can't be that easy, I thought, to get her to talk about this. (6.111)

Different people have different comfort levels when it comes to showing affection or talking about emotions. (Duh alert.) Sometimes it's the person you're trying to talk to that makes it hard—and sometimes, it's you. In this case, is it Macy or her mom? Or both?

Quote #5

He already knew my secrets, the things I'd kept hidden from everyone else, so I could just be myself. (10.19)

Why did Macy really open herself up to Wes? Why only him, after all this time? Was it because he saw her as someone other than the girl whose dad died? Or just because of the game they played? Because he had lost his mom? Because she's crushing on him? Would she have opened up like this to anyone else eventually, or is it something special about Wes?

Quote #6

I'd wanted to reach out to her, hold her close, tell her I was worried about her, but I couldn't do that either. (11.206)

How do you think Macy's mom would have responded to this? Is her mom coping by withholding affection, too? Or is that just her personality?