Twilight Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Twilight? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the big choice the Cullens have made?

To be vegetarian
To avoid chocolate
To avoid eating humans
To disappear at sunset
To obtain as many degrees as possible
Q. Because Edward is a vampire, technically Bella should be his

Q. Edward fears for Bella's

Looks - if she ages, ugh!
School grades
Driving record
Eating habits - way too much chocolate
Q. Which describes Forks?

Hot and sunny
Warm and windy
Beautiful beachfront
Awesome skiing
Small and rain-soaked
Q. Why does Edward hate himself?

He wants to be a vegetarian
He isn't good at math
He is uglier and unathletic
Nobody likes him
He puts Bella at risk