Typee Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I could not but be amused at the manner in which the chief addressed me upon this occasion, talking to me for at least fifteen or twenty minutes as calmly as if I could understand every word that he said. (11.19)

Sometimes this is what it feels like when our smartest friend explains what she's been reading lately.

Quote #8

[...] they had no word in their language to express the idea of virtue. (17.13)

This may feel a little harsh, but remember, the idea of virtue might simply be more necessary in societies who are interested in trying to figure out if someone is going to Heaven or not.

Quote #9

The natural quickness of the savage had been wonderfully improved by his intercourse with the white men, and his partial knowledge of a foreign language gave him a great ascendancy over his less accomplished countrymen. (18.39)

"Less accomplished"? We wonder if Tommo's being a bit biased here.