Typee Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I took some tobacco from the bosom of my frock and offered it to him. He quietly rejected the proffered gift, and, without speaking, motioned me to return it to its place. (10.23)

Do you think Mehevi is making a power play here? Or is it possible that he just doesn't want tobacco? How can you tell?

Quote #8

I forthwith determined to secure, if possible, the good-will of this individual, as I easily perceived he was a man of great authority in his tribe, and one who might exert a powerful influence upon our subsequent fate. (11.11)

That Tommo—he's always scheming.

Quote #9

Mehevi, upon the same principle which prompts an affectionate mother to hold a struggling child in a dentist's chair, restrained me in his powerful grasp. (11.15)

How often powerful people are compared to parents. But it's true—most of us experience our first system of power at home: the family unit (also known as, "Go ask your father").