Admiration Quotes in Unbroken

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Louie idolized Pete, who watched over him and their younger sisters […] with paternal protectiveness. (1.1.24)

Pete is able to utilize Louie's admiration of him to shape his brother from boy terror into boy wonder, influencing him to join the track team.

Quote #2

After watching [Louie] from the Torrance High fence, cheerleader Toots Bowersox needed only one word to describe him: "Smoooooth." (1.2.14)

Louie's running skills don't just cause other runners to idolize him—girls admire him too. They think he's a smooth as a Carlos Santana song.

Quote #3

"There's the next mile champion," [Cunnigham] said, leveling his eyes across the room. "When he concentrates on this distance, he'll be unbeatable." (1.5.7)

Louie once idolized Cunningham, but he gets to be so good that Cunningham starts admiring him. The student has become the master.