Crew of the Super Man

Character Analysis

Justice League

Other than their names and their positions, we don't get to learn too much about the personalities or private lives of the crewmen of the Super Man. Most likely, these omissions are to keep the story focused on Louie. Or maybe it's because it would just be too difficult to read about the fates of these men if we knew more about them.

Here's the roll call: Stanley Pillsbury, the top gunner; Clarence Douglas, waist gunner; Robert Mitchell, navigator; Frank Glassman, the radioman who looks like Harpo Marx; Ray Lambert, tail gunner; Harry Brooks, another waist gunner, and George Moznette, Jr., copilot, who is soon replaced by Charleton Hugh Cuppernell.

We get more characterization about the plane than we do the men. They name their plane Super Man, which is step-up from the common nickname "the Constipated Lumberer" (2.6.27) or worse, "The Flying Coffin" (2.6.32). These nicknames serve to make the survival of the plane, after getting shot at more than five hundred times, all the more miraculous. The fact that they don't all die is due to a near-magical combination of Phil's mad pilot skills and the hardy constitution of the plane.