The Unit Circle Examples


The idea of using degrees to measure angles is somewhat arbitrary: the ancient Babylonians decreed that there were 360 degrees in a circle because it was convenient for them. Well, this isn't ancie...

Pieces of a Circle

What is love? Well, we've heard that, when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore, which is like love but foreign. If the moon were made entirely out of pizza, it probably wouldn...

Corresponding Acute Angles

How will we find sine and cosine of these angles? Asking politely doesn't work, looking up the answers online is a no-go (…Shmoop doesn't count), and math problems are notoriously resistant to...

Negative Angle Identities

Negative angles, like rebellious teenagers, are contrarian. "I don't have to listen to you, Dad. I don't have to go counterclockwise if I don't want to. Gawd!"Not that we have anything against rebe...

Tangent and Friends

You know what would make us really happy? Jetpacks. We'd fly around fighting crime, and bears, and criminal bears. Woosh. Like a superhero, but Shmoopier.Anyway, that's pretty tangential to what we...

Simple Angle Equations

What is an equation? A miserable little pile of secrets. At least, it can feel pretty miserable if you're stuck on an even-numbered problem for hours. Luckily, we here at Shmoop don't believe in wi...

Complex Angle Equations

We're kicking things up a notch. Now, there will be all kinds of expressions inside of the trig functions, not just t by itself. Do you think you can handle it? If not, take a break and come back t...

Trig Equations with Non-Standard Angles

It's almost graduation time here at Unit Circle U. We've mastered using the unit circle with the standard angles: and the axes. Now is a time of celebration, of reminiscing over our accomplishment...