Up Theme of Friendship

Oscar and Felix. Elliott and E.T.. Turner and Hooch. Carl and Russell rank up right there with the greatest odd couples of all time. Their friendship is a thoroughly unlikely one. As film critic Ian Freer notes, Up is “a buddy movie where the buddies are separated by 70 years.” But it’s precisely that age gap that makes their friendship work. As they tug Carl’s house through the jungle, Carl and Russell bond. Russell starts out as a roly-poly pain in the butt, but by the time they make it to Paradise Falls, he’s become Carl’s trusted ally. He’ll never replace Ellie as Carl’s BFF, but Russell shows Carl the importance of letting people in. Literally and figuratively.

Questions about Friendship

  1. When does the tide turn in Carl and Russell’s friendship? By that, we mean when does Carl let Russell in? Can you pinpoint it to a certain scene in the movie? How can you tell their relationship has changed?
  2. Setting aside the obvious, like Ellie’s a girl, and Carl marries her, how is Carl’s friendship with Russell similar to his friendship with Ellie? How is it different?
  3. What does Russell get out of being pals with Carl?
  4. Do you think Russell has buddies his own age? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Up proves that an adventure isn’t really worth much unless you have friends at your side.

Russell can never replace Ellie, but he can show Carl a thing or two—or ten—about the importance of companionship.