Up Scene 8 Summary

Russell’s Deadbeat Dad

  • Carl and his crew make camp for the night. It’s pouring rain.
  • Russell tries to set up their tent and sends it flying into the jungle. Then he tells Carl a secret: he may be a Wilderness Explorer, but he’s never actually been camping before. Why didn’t his dad ever take him? Because his dad—and stepmom—don’t want to have anything to do with him.
  • But wait—there’s more! Russell says his dad promised to come to the ceremony when he gets his Assisting the Elderly badge and becomes a Senior Wilderness Explorer, so maybe his pops can explain tents to him then. Right? Right?
  • Carl tells Russell to get some sleep. Before he nods off, Russell asks Carl to swear that they’ll protect Kevin, and not let Dug take him prisoner. “Cross your heart?” Russell asks. “Cross my heart,” Carl replies. Callback!