The Vanity of Human Wishes Power Quotes

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Quote #4

In full-blown dignity see Wolsey stand,
Law in his voice, and fortune in his hand:
To him the church, the realm, their pow'rs consign,
Through him the rays of regal bounty shine (99-102)

Here the speaker describes Wolsey at the height of his power as the king's right-hand man. He could dictate laws, he had the powers of the church and the English realm in his hand, and he was the king's spokesman. The speaker presents Wolsey as an example of a man who was very ambitious for power.

Quote #5

What but their wish indulg'd, in courts to shine,
And pow'r too great to keep, or to resign? (133-134)

Sometimes having our wishes comes true brings us trouble rather than peace or joy. The speaker suggests that, throughout history, men's greed for power has led them into trouble.