Venus and Adonis Study Questions

Venus and Adonis Study Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there's not just one right answer.

  1. What kind of tree was Adonis born from? Why was he born from a tree?
  2. What type of animal kills Adonis?
  3. What flower did Venus create from Adonis's blood? Do a bit of research on the flower. Why do you think it is an appropriate flower to make from Adonis' blood?
  4. Why is Adonis's mother is turned into a myrrh tree? Why that tree, specifically?
  5. What symbolism do you see in the idea that Adonis is born from a tree?
  6. Compare and contrast the tale of "Venus and Adonis" to the myth of another ill-fated couple, such as "Apollo and Daphne."
  7. Read the version of the story as told by Ovid and as told by Shakespeare. What similarities and differences do you see?