Judy (Kim Novak)’s Timeline and Summary

Judy (Kim Novak)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Makes her entrance late in the film, as the last of several Madeleine-lookalikes.
  • Is followed home by Scottie and reluctantly agrees to go out with him.
  • Delivers a confession that triggers a flashback, revealing what really went down between Scottie and Madeleine.
  • Had pretended to be Madeleine when she was hired by Elster, who wanted a way to murder his wife without being caught.
  • Had taken advantage of Scottie's fear of heights, knowing that he wouldn't be able to reach the top of the bell-tower when Madeleine "jumped" off (really was been thrown off by Elster, who had already killed her).
  • Tears up the confession letter, deciding she wants to try to make Scottie love her for who she is, putting the past behind her.
  • Goes out with Scottie and agrees to his plan to give her a makeover and transform her into Madeleine.
  • Is reluctant at first, but then settles into a role that's familiar to her after all, since she's played Madeleine before.
  • In a thoughtless moment, puts on Carlotta's necklace, which Scottie recognizes.
  • Is taken by Scottie to the Mission at San Juan Bautista, where she is forced to confess to her deception.
  • Back in the bell-tower of the Mission, which Scottie forces her to climb, also declares her love, but only to hear Scottie say that it's "too late" for the two of them.
  • Jumps off the tower she'd climbed before as Madeleine, this time as herself.