Vertigo Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. What role does San Francisco play in the film's plot? What do the city and its environs add to our experience of Vertigo?
  2. Why doesn't Midge turn Scottie on?
  3. What is the significance of the Mission at San Juan Bautista according to the logic of Hitchcock's story?
  4. Is Scottie's psychosis after Madeleine's death believable?
  5. If you were to remake Vertigo, which actor would you choose to play Scottie? Madeleine?
  6. What camera techniques does Hitchcock use to create the dreamlike atmosphere of the film?
  7. All the female characters in this film are either humiliated or killed. Do you think audiences feel worse for Madeleine, Judy, or Midge?
  8. Why does Vertigo's ending leave viewers so unsatisfied, rather than offering a sense of resolution?
  9. Does Scottie jump?