The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Spying on people by magic is the same as spying on them in any other way." (10.47)

Supernatural elements may make the world of Narnia more exciting than the "real" world, but they don't change fundamental moral rules.

Quote #8

"Sometimes, perhaps, I am a little impatient, waiting for the day when they can be governed by wisdom instead of this rough magic." (11.4)

Coriarkin would prefer to run his island according to reason, explaining his decisions to his subjects, but he and Aslan both know that his subjects need to be dominated and controlled with magic for now. The Dufflepuds don't know what's good for them.

Quote #9

"It's better for them to admire him than to admire nobody." (11.25)

Celebrating heroes is a valuable activity in its own right, even when the heroes may not be completely worthy of admiration. The effect on us of feeling admiration and looking up to heroes is morally beneficial, even when the heroes themselves make mistakes.