Walden The Bean-Field Summary

  • Get ready for some excitement: next, Thoreau describes how he planted and cultivated his bean-field. Whew!
  • As he hoes, and he hoes a lot, he wonders whether he actually has any right to plant a bean-field in the area. There might be some native species around that won't be too psyched about it
  • He is super-entertained by the sounds of the birds and even, during holidays, the sound of celebratory gunfire from the local town.
  • He doesn't eat beans himself, being a Pythagorean and all. You know, Pythagoreans are the ones who don't eat beans (we're totally serious here). That said, he does make a profit of $8.71 ½ from his farming.
  • He wonders why people seem obsessed with their own version of planting beans (making a living), when they should really be concerned about cultivating their inner humanity. Stinkin' bean farmers.