Warm Bodies Theme of Death

YOLO? In Warm Bodies, the characters don't just live once. They might not even just live twice. They might end up living forever. But that remains to be seen. And frankly it's besides the point. Sure, our zombie leading man might be immortal, but he still spends a ton of time pondering the great gig in the sky. And the Living, too, are plagued by thoughts of death. But what else would you expect from a book about, well, zombies?

Questions About Death

  1. R is dead, kind of. So why does he have hang ups about death?
  2. Why do R and Julie want to "cure" death? Why does Perry want to die?
  3. Since the Dead in Warm Bodies have thoughts and feelings, and can die, can they really be considered "dead"? At the end of the day, what's the difference?