Literature and Writing Quotes in Warm Bodies

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I stare hard at the tag. [...] The letters spin and reverse in my vision; I can't hold them down. As always, they elude me, just a series of meaningless lines and blots. (1.1.34)

Sadly, it seems that being Dead means forgetting how to read. No wonder they just stand around and groan all day. We'd do the same thing.

Quote #2

"No one writes, no one reads, no one really even talks." (1.8.46)

The world of the Living sounds a lot like the world of the Dead. And not James Joyce's "The Dead" either. That might be worse.

Quote #3

"I like writing."


"Really? Do people still do that? [...] I mean is there still like... a book industry?"

I shrug. "Well... no. Not really. Good point, Nora." (1.10.132-1.10.136)

No, that's a horrible point, Nora. Writing is about more than publishing and selling and making money. It's about expression and sharing ideas. Sheesh.