Watership Down Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

His father, a happy-go-lucky and reckless buck, had thought nothing of living close to human beings except that he would be able to forage in their garden in the early morning. He had paid dearly for his rashness. (34.3)

One great thing about dumb bunnies is that other rabbits can learn from their experience. So Bigwig doesn't listen to Fiver and gets caught in a trap, and all of Hazel's crew gets to learn the all-important lesson: listen to Fiver. Here, Woundwort's dad is dumb about people, so Woundwort learns a lesson, too: stay away from people. It's not a bad lesson—and it's the same lesson Hazel's rabbits learn. So why does Woundwort become the villain?