The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm not scared, I'm just real, real ashamed of myself." That was it. That was the main thing I'd finally found out from being a patient in the World-Famous Watson Pet Hospital. (15.80)

Another confession. Seems like an important part of how Kenny deals with guilt. But does it show results?

Quote #8

"Byron, I left Joey. I thought the Wool Pooh had her and instead of fighting him like you did, I left, I ran from him. How come you were brave enough to fight him and all I could do was run?" (15.84)

Aha! So Kenny's guilt is all about leaving Joey and not being brave. Do you think Kenny would still feel guilty if he weren't comparing himself to Byron?

Quote #9

"If you been spending so much time thinking about how you didn't save Joey why don't you stop and think about why she wasn't in that church, why don't you spend some time thinking about who it was that led her away?" (15.88)

On the other side of blame is credit. Can Kenny take credit for saving Joey's life?